
Our Approach

We base all of our business relationships on a win-win philosophy.  Results-driven, ethically responsible conduct, supportive, collaborative, and with a high level of integrity are the main principals that guide us in all of our business interactions.

Our Story

Every business has a beginning, we began as a physical security company and evolved into a group of experts in a variety of security and compliance venues - cyber, physical, governing laws and regulations that can have a costly impact on companies, and business process strategies.


Meet the Team

Our team of seasoned executives have decades of experience in Compliance, Security, Auditing, and Technology.
Why? Because people want to know who they're doing business with. It's a human thing.


Michael D. Shetler

Founder & CEO

Security expert and author

LinkedIn Profile


James Bordamis

Vice President

Accounting, auditing, and business process expertise

LinkedIn Profile


Next Steps...

Please contact us to discuss your particular needs - we are here to help and promise expert and reliable support to achieve your business goals.